Declutter your Home March 2023

Are you tired of living in a home filled with clutter and chaos? Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious when trying to declutter and get organised? Are you constantly buying more storage solutions but finding yourself right back where you started? You've had enough of living in cluttered chaos.   You're fed up with the constant anxiety filled days and mad panic when trying to get the house straight before visitors pop by. The frantic tidying works - occasionally... yet it never seems to lasts.

You're overwhelmed.

You don't know where to start.

Junk drawers, full cupboards, rooms of doom. Bags filled with things to 'sort out later' but when? You never get chance, you're too busy trying to keep up!

Doorbell panic when someone appears unexpectedly.  You've tried decluttering before, of course you have. You've had blitzes where you've felt like you've got rid of loads - but it always seems to fall back into chaos again afterwards.  You've bought more storage too....but now you're stuck.  You feel like you just need someone to come in and sort it all out - but you don't want anyone in your home but you can't do it alone as you feel overwhelmed? You just need someone to show you have - and magic up a month off work and family life to make it miraculously happen.

Everything feels sentimental. You can't just take it all to charity. You don't have the days, or weeks, or months to change it all.

You'd love nothing more than Stacey Soloman or Nick Knowles to turn up and take everything away and pop it in a warehouse for you. You'd give anything for a decluttered, tidy home. Even being embarrassed on national TV…. well, maybe.  You just want a home you can be proud of. A home with clear surfaces that you can clean effortlessly. A home you are happy to invite people into without worry. A morning getting ready where you’re not stressed and running late.

The answer is here!

It's time for a change, and the Declutter Your Home Course is here to help you achieve just that. Over 11 weeks, you will receive 8 modules of training to guide you through the process of decluttering your home.

The course begins with the Mindset Module, where you will learn the importance of changing your mindset to make lasting changes. From there, you'll tackle each area of your home with modules focused on clothes, the kitchen, hobbies and crafts, paper, kids' toys, sentimental items, and implementing strategies and systems once you’ve decluttered to keep your home organised.

You won't be left to figure it out on your own, either. The course includes three implementation weeks, where you'll meet online to get support and accountability as you work through the decluttering process. Think of it as 3 bonus weeks where you’re given time off to actually put into practice what you’ve learned. 

You'll also gain access to a private Facebook group for additional support and the Messy and Successy guide to time management, which includes 60 tips to increase productivity and stop procrastination.

If you don't already have the Amazon Best Seller Untangled by Tingle Declutter Planner you will receive this totally free as a special bonus.  If you already have the planner, you can choose to have a 1 hour whatsapp time with Heather instead (to be taken between the end of the course and end end of June 2023) so that you can ask any decluttering questions to finish your declutter journey once you've completed the course.

But that's not all. You'll also receive a year's access to:

My Declutter database, which provides company details for discarding items.

Two bonus Zoom calls with industry experts. 

Katie Portman Styling comes in to talk about the benefits of wearing colour, an introduction to seasonal colour analysis, how to discover some of your best colours, how to use colour to declutter your wardrobe.

Elyssa Smith is a time strategist that will be talking to you about time management, self sabotage and walk you through solutions. She will be telling you how to get rid of guilt, procrastination, perfectionism and people pleasing - for good!

And if that's not enough, you'll also receive THREE pre-recorded bonus modules on fixing up your fridge to reduce waste and have a tidy and clean fridge, a training on using apps to sell items, and a cleaning workshop so once you've decluttered you'll know which of 3 methods is best to keep on top of the cleaning.

All sessions are recorded, so you can watch them at your convenience and catch up when you get a chance, or rewatch later if you need a refresher.

We understand that everyone's experience with clutter and disorganisation is unique, and that some may face additional challenges such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, Autism, ME, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and executive dysfunction issues. This course is written with those in mind so it is accessible to all. 

My strategies and systems are easy to implement and are tailored to your specific needs, making it easier for you to maintain a tidy and clutter-free home even if you struggle with your home. I provide tips and techniques to help you get organised and stay that way, without feeling overwhelmed or stressed.  This isn’t a “transform your home in a week” course, this is gently guiding you to work at your own pace and giving you all the tools, knowledge and techniques to do so. You want to get it done by summer? It's definitely achievable but you will have to put the work in - I can give you the solutions, but only you can make real change happen - and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

For a limited time, you can enrol in the course and pay in full, or spread the cost over 9 or 12 months. We understand that investing in your home may seem daunting, especially with the current cost of living crisis - but that's exactly why this is so important to act now. Think of it as an investment that will pay off in the long run. If you pay in full as a thank you bonus you will get one month free in my Untangled Life Membership which opens in June 2023.

By decluttering your home, you'll be able to enjoy a tidy, organised space that you can be proud of. You'll have clear surfaces that are easy to clean and maintain, and you'll no longer feel anxious or overwhelmed by the clutter.  You know what you have. You won’t have to buy duplicate items because you can’t find things. You can be proactive rather than reactive and save money that way, along with having less waste.

The benefits of taking the course don't stop there. Did you know that selling just a few items a month could pay for the cost of the course? By decluttering and selling items that you no longer need or use, you'll be able to recoup some if not all of your investment. Be in no doubt - this is an investment in yourself and your home.

Enrolling in the Declutter Your Home Course is the first step towards creating the home you've always dreamed of. Don't waste any more time or money battling clutter on your own. Join now and start living in a home you can be proud of.  Sign up by 8pm on Wednesday 1st March and enter the code EARLYBIRD at check out and you'll get £50 off the price too!

This IS for you if:

  • You've tried decluttering before but always seem to end up back where you started.
  • Everything feels sentimental and you don't know where to start.
  • You feel overwhelmed over dealing with your clutter.
  • You have hidden clutter, and finding stuff is stressful!
  • You're ready to make positive change to declutter your home and change your life.
  • You can spare at least one hour per week for 11 weeks.

This is NOT for you if:

  • You are affected by hoarding disorder and are above level 7 on the Clutter Image Rating.
  • You cannot spare 1 hour+ a week.
  • You're not committed to change things yet.
  • You want to declutter someone else's things but not your own.
  • You want to transform your home overnight. Doing it properly takes time - although home much time is dependant upon you, it's important that this is not a quick fix taking a week.

Here's what past participants thought and just a few of their wins:


How much does it cost?

The course is £449 (full price) or £399 Early bird price (up until 1st March at 8pm UK Time) enter code EARLYBIRD on checkout page for the discount.

When does it start?

The live sessions start on Wednesday 15th March 2023, but pre-course bonus learning is available as soon as you sign up.

When are the sessions?

Wednesday evenings, 7pm UK time (this may change to 8pm depending on what is best for course participants) and lasts for approximately one hour.

How do I access the training?

Upon signing up, you will get access to your Membervault area which is where your workbooks are kept and replays of the live sessions are recorded and uploaded onto there too. The live sessions are held on Zoom, and there is a private support group on facebook too.

How much time will this take?

You will need at least one hour a week to take part in the live training, or catch up on the replay. After that it all depends on you.  If you just want to learn the theory and actively declutter later then one hour is enough. If you want to actively declutter as you learn then I would suggest an additional 2 hours a week on top to make really good progress.  If you struggle to make time, theres a bonus in the training all about techniques to make the most of your time, and 3 x 1 hour implementation sessions built into the course where time is put aside for you to actively declutter.

Can't I just do it myself by following your Planner?

Yes, thats very possible - but only if you're self motivated enough to actually put the work in, and won't be overwhelmed by the task ahead. The course brings more than just the 'how', it delves deeper into why you've got clutter in the first place and will change your mindset as well as your home. The accountability and support from others in the group is also invaluable.

Do you do refunds?

No, due to the live nature of the training and immediate access to the bonuses, no refunds are offered. Your statutory rights are not affected.

What are the course modules?




Hobbies & Craft


Kids Toys


Strategies and Systems

Why should you listen to me? About Heather Tingle!

I'm a single mum that works full time, so I understand how it is to be busy and struggle with your home. Up until 2016 I lived in clutter - and it impacted negatively on every aspect of my life.  I lived with anxiety and depression and would feel shame over the state of my home. I never allowed anyone into my home and it made me isolated and panicky. I would hide is the meter reader came to the door, I wouldn't let me daughter have her friends over to play, and I felt that the image i portrayed to the outside world wasn't me. I could be clean, organised and tidy at work, but at home it was a disaster, and just trying to keep on top of it exhausted me. In 2016 I decluttered my home and I created the PAVES trademarked system to teach others a methodical, simple way to declutter themselves. This course is based on that trademarked system, where I will lead you step by step to help you declutter your home once and for all.

18 Modules

Bonus module cleaning workshop

How to get into a routine with cleaning, which is the best system for you, and what will you need? Recording of a paid workshop delivered in 2022.

Bonus: Declutter database

My declutter database hold tons of information about where to send your discarded items and is updated frequently.

Bonus: Clutter to Cash Apps Workshop

It's not just eBay and Facebook you can use to sell your discarded items! I teach you about many more. Pre-recorded training from a previous workshop.

Week 1 Mindset

Nothing changes unless the way you feel about your home and things changes first.  We look at how important what you think makes to having a successfully decluttered home - and how to change your mindset so it happens!

Week 2 Clothes

Time to declutter your clothes!

Bonus: Katie Portman Zoom

Katie Portman is a qualified personal stylist and colour analyst, award-winning blogger and author of the self-help inspirational book ‘A Little Pick Me Up’.

Her passion is to help and encourage all women to become their best and most beautiful authentic selves.

She is a personal styling and colour graduate from the prestigious London College of Style and also has over 20 years of experience in journalism, marketing and copywriting.

Her blog Pouting In Heels is ten years old and has won a number of awards. Katie is also an event speaker on female empowerment. She is a mum to two young children and lives in Barnsley. 

Week 3 Implementation week

Time to take action rather than learn.

Week 4 Kitchen

Time to declutter that kitchen!

Bonus: Fridge and Food Fix Ups Workshop

Pre-recorded workshop Fridge and Food Fix ups - no more wasted food and overflowing cupboards.

Week 5 Hobbies / Craft

Time to tackle that those items you want to 'do one day'. Whether it be music, books or craft items - it's time to decide what you truly adore.

Bonus: Elyssa Smith Zoom

Elyssa Smith is a time strategist who helps busy women take back their time and reclaim their lives. Drawing from her personal experiences as well as trauma-informed and science-based psychological principles, Elyssa helps her clients overcome procrastination and overwhelm, pare down their schedules and manage their time well so they can do what they love and focus on what is most important.


She has been featured in Forbes Magazine, Thrive Global and on Fox59 Morning News for her self-compassionate time management model and has shared her knowledge on virtual stages with hundreds across the globe. She has also been a guest expert on such podcasts as Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson and She’s Unscripted with Kristy Katzmann, among many others.


When she isn’t teaching her strategies to busy women, she can be found around her family’s farm in Indiana, keeping up with her fiery-and-sweet red-haired seven-year-old superhero and her fluffy self-appointed guard dog.

Week 6 Implementation week

Time put aside to catch up on whatever you need to do to make progress.

Week 7 Paper

Time to tackle paper - from newspapers, bills to stationery!

Week 8 Kids Toys

Time to tackle Kids toys

Week 9 Implementation week

Time to catch up on the previous weeks modules.

Week 10 Sentimental

Whether it be photographs, clothing or letters and cards, I talk you through how to declutter and organised your items that hold so many emotions and memories.

Week 11 Strategies and Systems

In this module you will learn what steps you can take to keep your home uncluttered, and how to create routines and systems to help you live in your home rather than battle it.

Modules for this product 18
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Payment Options

 £449.00 GBP
 £37.42 GBP  ( then £37.42 GBP for 11 months )
 £49.89 GBP  ( then £49.89 GBP for 8 months )
 £224.50 GBP  ( then £224.50 GBP for 1 months )

How do you want to pay?

No payment method needed.

The following Terms of Use are entered into by and between You and Heather Tingle trading as Untangled by Tingle (“Company”, “we”, or “us”).

To see the Terms and Conditions of Sale CLICK HERE. By Signing up to the course and ticking this box, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

Please note payments T&Cs. If you chose to pay in instalments, you are agreeing to pay the cost over an instalment period and you will be liable to continue paying for the cost of the course regardless of if or when you finish the course, and the payments will continue until the price has been paid in full (£399 or £449). Legal or debt recovery action will be taken if you fail to make payments.

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